What can you do to join in on World Environment Day 2016?
World Environment Day takes place each year on June 5th.
It is an annual event to stimulate awareness of the environment around us, and the effects of climate change.
It’s aim is to inspire each and every one of us to take steps to look after our planet.
As an Office Manager, you may already have systems in place to help make your office environment cleaner, greener and healthier.
However, there is always more that we can do.
So why not get involved in this World Health Day?
Take part in organising events and fundraising activities in the workplace to help create change for the better.
Related: How to make your office more eco-friendly.
Go Green for World Environment Day 2016
A healthy workplace environment should be clean and safe, which is why many businesses in London choose to hire an efficient and professional cleaning company to help them become a greener.
Keep your office free of dust and dirt. Get rid of unnecessary documents. De-clutter, recycle and using recycled goods where possible.
This will not only make your office a better and healthier place to work, but also benefit the environment too.
World Environment Day 2016 is about people coming together to act. So no matter how big or small your business is, you can help to make a difference.
Why not get your team together and discuss the possibility of setting up an event?
There are a vast number of activities you can get involved with. Look into fundraising ideas or even simply help pick up litter in your local area.
Organising an event for World Environment Day not only gives you and your team the satisfaction of doing good. It also promotes your business, shows that you are a responsible and caring company.
This year’s theme is Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care. This challenges all of us to come up with ways to encourage sustainable economic development while being mindful of our use of precious resources and reducing our environmental impact while doing so.
So what can you do to reduce your office’s carbon footprint?
Related: Ideas to reduce, reuse and recycle in your office.
Do you and your colleagues travel a lot with work? Offset the effects of commuting to work (be it by plane, car or public transport) by funding energy projects that work to neutralise your carbon emissions.
Here are some simple ideas for how you can raise awareness for World Environment Day and reduce your company’s carbon footprint in 2016:
- Organise a ‘cycle to work’ week with a prize incentive.
- Buy recycled office supplies and use green office stationery.
- Start a ‘switch-off’ campaign for lights and office equipment.
- Go for organic products like fair trade teas and coffees.
- Set up an environmentally friendly e-mail signature like ‘please consider the environment before printing this e-mail’.
- Take steps to go digital – no more printables!
- Replace high energy light bulbs with lower wattage, energy saving lights (compact fluorescent and LEDs).
- Purchase and only use non-hazardous and Eco-friendly cleaning products.
- Encourage staff to use scrap paper for internal notes by giving each staff member a scrap paper box in their desk.
- Measure your carbon footprint to identify where your largest impact is.
- Raise awareness of your commitment to reducing your office’s carbon footprint by sending internal e-mails to the team.
A pub quiz about the environment, a raffle, a big charity sporting match or sponsored run or walk are all great ideas for World Environment Day.
You can also register your event on the WED website to gain momentum and support, and contact local media to cover the event as well.
If you are still stuck for ideas, check out what other businesses and organisations in your area are doing to take action.
The adverse effects of climate change and damage to the environment are severe, and affect us all.
By participating in World Environment Day you, your colleagues and your business show that they understand the importance of looking after the world in which we live, and are willing to take action to preserve and protect it.
If you are looking to make your office environment a cleaner, healthier and more environmentally place to work why not call Swift Cleaning on 0203 405 8442, or contact us here.