The Ultimate 3-Day Office Spring Cleaning Checklist Day 3

The Ultimate 3-Day Office Spring Cleaning Checklist – Day 3

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It’s the final day of our 3-Day challenge to spring clean your work space. Today is all about getting organised.

For the remainder of National Spring Cleaning Week, we are posting tips from the office cleaning experts on our Facebook page and Twitter.


We have compiled The Ultimate 3-Day Office Spring Cleaning Checklist which you can download as a PDF now by clicking on the link below.

Day 3: Organise

Having a perfectly organised office is what we all aim for.

It can be difficult to have everything perfectly organised all the time.

If you are able to put structures in place to help keep your office organised, you will be helping to maximise efficiency in the workplace.

Knowing where to find files, documents, resources and stationary quickly and easily will save you time.

If everything in your office has its own sensible, logical place it will be far easier to keep everything neat and tidy. This will mean less clutter, fewer distractions, and a calm, productive working environment.

Keeping your office organised doesn’t have to be a chore. Once you have everything where it should be, all you and your employees have to do is stick to the same system.

Here are some great tips to help even the most disorganised office get back into great working order:

1. Sort your paperwork

Paperwork is by far the biggest cause of clutter and confusion in any working environment. It’s so easy to let paperwork build up until it feels impossible to know where to start. However if you don’t tackle it, the problem will only get worse. It is so easy to collect huge amounts of paperwork that we really don’t need. If you have no use for it, get rid of it. Then it’s time to come up with a logical and sensible filing system. This will help keep it all in order, and ensure it is easily found when necessary.

2. Declutter your desktop

Anything you don’t use daily shouldn’t be on your desktop. There is nothing more demotivating than switching on your computer screen to an unnecessarily rammed desktop. Create a sensible filing system on your computer. Create folders, and use names and dates to label documents so it is easy to find everything.

3. Keep items you need close

There are everyday items we all use frequently when at work. It is a good idea to keep them close at hand. However, try to keep your desk as distraction and clutter free as possible so it is easy to focus on your work. A desk tidy, holding your necessary items is ideal.

4. Use a proper calendar

It is great now that we all have calendars built into our computers and phones. However, having a traditional calendar on the wall or on your desk is a better idea. At a quick glance you can see the important events or meetings you have coming up. And this way you won’t need to distract yourself by picking up your phone.

5. Tidy away wires

Any loose wires around your desk or phone should be clipped together and hidden where possible. Loose wires can be a health and safety hazard so make sure they are safely tidied away so you and your colleagues don’t trip over them.

6. Keep personal items limited

Designate a specific place for personal items and keep them there. If you want to (and are permitted to) decorate your desk with personal items then by all means do so, but try to keep these to a minimum, you are here to do a job after all!

Keeping your office organised really does make a huge difference to how easily and productively you can work in the office, so why not follow the tips for our ultimate 3 day office spring clean, and see if you can create a cleaner, safer and more vibrant workplace for you and your team?

We hope that you find the 3-Day Checklist helpful in spring cleaning your workspace –  and we’d love to hear how you get on!
Remember to download your copy of the Ultimate 3-Day Office Spring Cleaning Checklist today AND call us to bring in the professionals for a spring clean feel in your office everyday.