How clean is your office (part 2)

How clean is your office? (Part 2)

Related: Click to read part 1 of how clean is your office?

Countless numbers of germs and bacteria are everywhere. If you focus on that fact you could become a little paranoid with what’s around you! But we don’t want to send you into a blind panic…

It’s good to be aware of bacteria and how it’s spread so we can look at our hygiene practices to minimise the potentially harmful impact the nasty bugs can have.

According to the 2013 CBI/Pfizer Absence and Workplace Health Survey, work absences costs the economy about £14 billion per year.

The Sick Building Syndrome

SBS describes a range of symptoms thought to be linked to spending time in a certain building, most often an office.

Symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, poor concentration and respiratory problems.

Office workers in modern buildings without opening windows and with mechanical ventilation or air conditioning systems are most at risk.

It can also be caused by poor standards of cleanliness.

A survey by Durable reveals that 82% of us feel we would work harder in a cleaner office. Now that’s a statistic your boss will be keen to hear!

So poor office cleanliness can not only affect the physical health of workers but also their attitude towards work and emotional wellbeing.

Hiring a Professional Cleaning Company

Hiring a professional cleaning company can help to reduce the volume of bacteria in the office. This will help prevent the spread of viruses around the work place. In turn, your office will become a healthier environment, and less individuals will fall sick.

Using disinfectants, along with proper hand hygiene, reduced the spread of bacteria in an office study by 80-99% states Charles Gerba.


At Swift Office Cleaning Services Ltd, we can plan and prepare a cleaning service to suit the needs of your office and the staff within it.

Contact us

Call us today to discuss how we can help improve your workers’ health within your office.

For more information on our office cleaning services please contact us for a no obligation free quotation on 01279 413 614.

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