Gender Pay Gap Report – April 2017

From April 2017 Gender Pay Reporting legislation requires employers with 250 or more employees to calculate and publish the gender pay gap within their organisation on an annual basis.

Gender pay gap reporting highlights differences in the average pay between men and women. Calculations have been made in accordance with The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 and ACAS Guidance – Managing Gender Pay Reporting (December 2017). Differences are expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.

Gender Pay Gap

The Mean Gender Pay Gap 1.7%
The Median Gender Pay Gap 0%

The results show a very small 1.7% mean gender pay gap in favour of men, and no median gender pay gap.

Bonus Pay Gap (category includes bonus & commission)

The Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap -384.4%
The Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap -241.6%

The results show a large bonus gender pay gap in favour of women. The calculations are heavily dominated by one role currently held by a woman. The calculations also include a further 6 women (3 part-time) and 4 men (1 part-time) whose roles and bonus pay are of two further different natures to the dominant role (total of 11 members of staff who have received some form of pay classed as bonus pay). The results are further distorted by a minor change of staff prior to the snapshot date which produced significant variations, due to the small number of employees evaluated in this section. The result is therefore more a reflection of the calculation criteria, rather than a genuine gender pay gap concern. Going forward we would expect to find significant swings in future bonus pay gap reporting, depending on the gender of the person that occupies the single dominant role.

Proportion of gender receiving bonus pay

Proportion of Males receiving Bonus pay 4% (4 of 99 male relevant employees)
Proportion of Females receiving Bonus pay 2.6% (7 of 269 relevant female employees)

The proportion of males receiving bonus pay is slightly higher than the proportion of females receiving bonus pay, due to a significantly higher number of women employed overall.


The proportions of males and females in each quartile band

Quartile Band Male Female
Lower 25.6% 74.4%
Lower Middle 25.6% 74.4%
Upper Middle 24.1% 75.9%
Upper 31.3% 68.7%

The results show that there are significantly more females, and a similar split of males and females in each quartile.

Additional Information

The general workforce of the cleaning industry is historically largely female dominated and subject to TUPE regulations (transfer of undertakings). Under TUPE cleaning staff are transferred by law, maintaining pay rates and hours, from one cleaning provider to another when a contract is transferred or awarded. The vast majority of our workforce is cleaning staff (96% of relevant staff at the snapshot date). Accordingly, under TUPE regulations there is restricted opportunity to address a gender pay gap should it arise in this section of our work force.

The company prides itself as an equal opportunities employer. Pay awards and advancement within the company is not dependent on gender. The company does not operate a policy of either positive or negative discrimination for any position or for any reason, including race, religion, ethnic origin or gender.


I confirm that the information and data provided is accurate and in accordance with mandatory requirements.

John Williams